Release form Report


If you want to hire a contributor or use someone’s interview in your video or whatever happens.. You have to write a ‘RELEASE FORM’.


Example of real Release form
– BBC Children in Need

Release form(also Consent form) is kind of contract that will be written between employee and employer. We must write this form because there will be problem if we didn’t. For example, we take an interview of citizen and insert it in our video. But after we post the video, that citizen saw it and ask for delete it. If we write the form before, you can tell him / her that we can’t and use the form as proof.

There’s two things which are very important in release form.

    • Mention the Copyrights are belong to your team
    • and it WILL BE belong to us future

In upper release form from BBC, it says-

You assign to the BBC the copyright and all other rights in your child’s contributions for use in all media now known or which may be developed in future and you confirm that your child’s contributions will not infringe the copyright, or similar rights, of any third party. For the avoidance of doubt this can include publicity photographs taken on the day to be used for promotion of the show.



Personnel / Contributors Report


Personnel means members of my team, including me.

Contributors are people who work on my project for one specific job. But they’re not my members.

There’s three steps for considering what personnel / contributors we need :

      You have to think ‘What am my team and I good at?’ That’s what Skill audit is.
      You can say this as ‘Skill check-list’. First we have to look back ourselves to analyze your team. List all stuffs that you’re good at, and not good at. It can be dealing software like Photoshop, Premiere, Eclipse, or languages (/ platforms) like Java, Android. Or it can also be the personality like Leadership, Responsibility, Presentation ability. Just think what you like to do and something you’re good at.
      And don’t forgot to think about experiences with them. You’ll write down your skills, and below it, it’s good to write how long did you studied or experiencing it. It will help your audit.
      Now, you have to compare your knowledge to your project. Write what skills do you need in your project, and find out what skills do you / don’t you have among them. You need to think what contributors do we need in this team.
      SWOT Analysis
      : Acronym of ‘Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats’.


      Example of SWOT Analysis

      This analysis will help you in Step 1 and 2. You have to write down about your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. For example, opportunities can be an access to some equipment, your habitat.

      If you’re not gonna hire some contributors, you have to improve your skills. Now you have to set some Smart Target.
      It has to be detail and specific like ‘Until 21.02.14, I’ll be able to adjust darkness into brightness at Photoshop’. That’s why this targeting is ‘Smart’. The more specific your targets are, the better skills you gets.

My Personnel / Contributors notes in classroom. 13.02.14

