Materials Report


Maybe you can say materials as assets. But assets are included in materials, not itself.

There’s some kind of materials we mostly use :

    1. GRAPHIC
      One of the most common material. It includes all kinds of photos, pictures, logos… Every project need graphics.
      Sort of video that shows motion of something.

      motion graphic

      Motion of a person

      motion sequence

      Example of Motion sequence – Animation

      If you want to make your website more interactive and dynamic, you need motion graphics. It prompt people’s interest and make them focus on.

    3. SOUND
      You need Sounds in some projects. You can set some music as BGM in your website, or video. And there’s lots of uses if you trying to find it. It’s important that using right sound in right use.

When you’re using some materials, make sure that you keep this in mind: COPYRIGHT.

You can’t just use graphics, motion sequences, and sounds which are not yours. You have to get a permission because there’s copyright in every creative work.

You can download and pay for assets by online for using Stock media sites.

media stock

Example of Media Stock site: Unlimited Stock Media

Or you can skip it, but only when you use a free-copyright assets.


Example of Free-Copyright site: Openphoto

There’s a free-copyright sites that gathered creative works which copyright-ers allowed them. We can use them as free, but you have to look every site’s cautions carefully.




Bodies in Motion II