Tuesday, 1st April 2014

My USB has GONE!

I was so blue today.. I want to go back in time SO BADLY for finding my USB.

The whole process of this project was in that USB.. I cried a lot.

Anyway.. even if the world is end tomorrow.. I have to finish my website.

Gyeongbokgung page

Gyeongbokgung page

I finally fill all of the description in each detail page.

Here are the detail explanations of each landmarks:

    • Gyeongbokgung – The Very Middle of Seoul
      Gyeongbokgung is the first palace built with born of Joseon. The Korean ‘Gung’ means palace.
      It was all burnt out in 1592 and rebuilt in 1865.
      There are two kinds of Landmarks :
      · An architecture appears well in any position​
      · An architecture which has historical meaning
      Here, Gyeongbokgung, fits for second condition. It might be the oldest architecture in downtown.
    • Bukchon Hanok village – Past-vill in the heart of Present
    • Junang Highschool – A Gothic-style Highschool
    • Myeong-dong Cathedral – Headquarter of Korea Catholic
      Myeong-dong Cathedral, which was built in 1898, is an architecture that can represent Korea’s Catholic and Myeongdong at the same time.
      After this building, most of the Korean religious buildings are built in this same style.
      A lots of styles is included in this only building. For example, this cathedral is basically Europe gothic style. And also using red brick and sharp tower is feature of French gothic.
    • Ssamziegil – A nice Street – but also not a Street
      Gil means road in Korea, so you may think this is very awkward, because the place in photos is not a road – an architecture.
      Ssamziegil is a Korean traditional craft and design products shopping mall located in Insadong.
      This is called ‘gil’ because although it’s 4 story building, when you just walk along the path then you can reach to rooftop. It’s truly amazing!
    • Gwangjang Market – Unbelievably amazing Market
      Traditional markets are obviously take big part of Korea’s food. Gwangjang Market is one of the most famous markets in Seoul.
      You can eat Mayak Kimbab here. Mayak means drug in Korea – this bloody name means that you can’t stop eating this Kimbab because it’s too tasty!
      Also, there’s a Korean pancake that you can challenge – Bindaetteok. There’s so many kinds of Bindatteok and every one has different toppings.
    • Insadong – An old Village Preserved very-well
Menu bar

Menu bar

And I add a new category for Cultural Expectation – Tips.

I worried a lot about the category’s name.

Because words like ‘Warning’ or ‘Caution’ are felt so strong and forced.

Then Peter teacher suggest ‘Tips’, and I thought that is perfect.

Tips page

Tips page

And I add some tips that can be used in Korea very usefully.

Icons I used

Icons I used

This icons are made by me using a little sources from internet.

Monday, 31th March 2014

I FINALLY finished the video! Yay!

Here’s my video below:

Warning: Here’s some of my voices included!

I can’t hear it with sane mental.. My English is SO bad. 😥

I made my own background music for this video by using Garage Band (in MAC).

Screenshot of making music with Garage Band

Screenshot of making music with Garage Band

Sheila teacher taught us how to use this tool before.

We can make every kinds of music by this! It’s totally amazing 😉

And, as I said, the voice in the video is mine.. I know it’s terrible but there’s no other way.

After listening and watching this video tons of times, I felt like it’s not that bad.. XD

Anyway.. I’d add few things about WIX website too.


Eat & Shop page

Last time, I just made the category ‘Eat & Shop’ but add nothing there,

and now I add an Accordion.

Here are the photos I used here:

Mayak (Drug) Kimbab in Gwangjang Market
Photo by Heo Juyoung

Bindaetteok (Korean pancake) in Gwangjang market
Photo by ’91’ (http://oja796.blog.me/120209808146)

Mayak (Drug) Kimbab in Gwangjang market
Photo by Heo Juyoung

Cane Icecream in Insadong

Junk Foods at Insadong
Photo by ‘Papas homecare’ (http://papas.me/40207533267)

Junk foods at Insadong
Photo by ‘Nunkkot’ (blog.naver.com/nansuea/90192618358)

And as usual, I also add detail pages..

Shop – Insadong Detail page

Eat – Gwangjang Market Detail page

I didn’t fill the text yet.. I’ll do it soon 😉

Things I have to do

    • Fill the texts in the detail pages
    • Add category about Cultural Expectations

Thursday, 27th March 2014


I almost kill myself because the circumstances are to frustrated.

Anyway, I didn’t kill myself, and finished today’s job well 😉



I changed my site’s name into ‘Seoul-MARK’.

When I first pick my site’s topic, it started with Architecture.

But during designing and making this site, it slowly changed to Landmark.

So I pick the name that can express my site’s subject better.

It means Seoul’s landmark.

I hope this one’s better than before 🙂



And I attach a Footer in my website.

Peter teacher gave me some feedbacks and he said sites always need Footer.

Footer is a component of a site which is always attached in very bottom.

We can write down about a copyright in footer.

So I wrote

” © 2014 by Seoul-MARK, All rights reserved. “

It means this site’s every copyrights are mine.


Gyeongbokgung page

And I add some additional information in specific pages.

There’s like Google Maps and ‘How to go’.

Here are some images that I used in How to go.

bus icon

Bus Icon

subway icon

Subway Icon

I made other icons like ‘Walk’ and ‘Link’, but I didn’t use them yet so I’ll post them later.


Bukchon Hanok village Page

This is more specific image that shows Map and How to go.

I add Google Map in English but some of the names are still in Korean.

That’s because they didn’t have any information in English.

And I set some colors in Subway and Bus lines.

In Seoul, there’s some colors that represent each lines.

Subway colors

Subway colors

For example, Subway line 1 is represented by Navy, for line 2 it’s green.

Bus color

Bus colors

Most of the foreigners can’t do Korean so it’s easier for them to identify lines by colors.

That’s why I used the colors.

About us page

About us page

Accepting Peter teacher’s advice, again, I add some image in About us page.

He said the alignments of texts are not-clean and only texts are very not-readable.

So I changed some aligns of texts and add a image.

The image:


shows lots of famous landmarks throughout the world.

Things I have to do

    • Finish the video (PLEASE)
    • Add some content in Eat & Shop category
    • Add more information in specific pages
    • Get ready for final Wix post





Monday, 24th March 2014

The school network never turned on today’s class.

It was so terrible..

Thanks to my friend Sion for giving me an access to her Egg I was able to edit my website.

back icon

First, I add this ‘Back’ icon in specific pages.

Gyeongbokgung page with Back icon

Gyeongbokgung page with Back icon

When you click the Back button, you can go back to Tradition page.

Now I apply in to Gyeongbokgung page only, but when the internet’s back, I’ll apply it to all.


‘Between’ Main page

And I add some more stuffs in Between page.

These photos are using in Between page:


Myeong-dong Cathedral Photo by Kim Daekun


Myeong-dong Cathedral Photo by Kim Daekun


Jeongmiso in Daehakro Photo by Kim Daekun

Things I have to do

  • Finish the video
  • Add some media in About Us page
  • Change menu’s order (put About Us menu in back)
  • Keep updating text

Thursday, 20th March 2014

I changed very few things today due to BAD internet.

I hate our school’s network.. 😦


Main page

Anyway I add –


this play button and ‘Play Video’ text which linked to video page.


Video page

Now I attach just basic video from Wix, but when I finish editing my video I’ll replace it.


‘Modern’ Main page

I add another Accordion in Modern page.

Here are some photos I used :

쌈지길 resize

Ssamziegil in Insadong




Cheonggye square
Photo by Yeon Jihyang


Han river bridge
Photo by Kim Daekun

And I create new menu:





‘Eat & Shop’.

Our websites should include five things:

    1. How to travel around Seoul (Transportation)
    2. Where to eat and drink (Eat)
    3. Where to go to see interesting things (Landmarks)
    4. Good places for shopping (Shop)
    5. Cultural expectations

So I made this new menu for number 2 and 4.

Things I have to do

    • Add couple of more items in ‘Between’
    • Edit and Finish the video
    • Complete specific parts

Monday, 17th March 2014


Nothing else can express my status better than this word.

I’m so tired but on the other hand, I feel very good for watching my wix site.

Because it’s been organized more and more 😉


‘Tradition’ Main page

I added an ‘Accordion’ gallery in Tradition page,

because I decide to use it in all Architecture pages.

Here’s are some photos from that Accordion.

경복궁 (경회루)

Gyeongheoru in Gyeongbokgung
Photo by Kim Daekun

흥인지문 resize


20140118 경복궁-01

Geunjeongjeon of Gyeongbokgung
Photo by Yeon Jihyang


Gwanghwamun of Gyeongbokgung
Photo by Kim Daekun


Bukchon Hanok village


Daehanmun of Deoksugung
Photo by Yeon Jihyang

The photo which I didn’t write copyrighter down is my photos.

And others are from my friend photographer.

They willing to give their photos when I said and ask them to use photos.

I feel very thankful for them. They’re my life-savers 🙂 I mean it! I almost died.


When you drag your mouse into Accordion, the photo below expands and shows the full photo.


if you click each photo, it will bring you to each page.

This is example of Gyeongbokgung page.

In this specific page, I used Thumbnails to express many photos in one sight.

I didn’t add the explanation yet, but I’ll do that soon.


‘Between’ Main page

And I also add some items in Between Main page’s Accordion.


Stone stairs in Bukchon Hanok village


Jungang Highschool


Jungang Highschool

This photos are all taken by me.

Actually I’m looking for more architecture that I can categorize to Between.

And I made some sources for video.

land 1 bigben land 2 tower land 3 eiffel land 4 louvre land 5 pisa

These photos of landmarks in Europe’s city are all taken by me.

And I write down some texts using Photoshop.

main 1 main 2 main 3-3

Things I have to do

    • Add more items in ‘Between’
    • Complete ‘Tradition’ specific page information
    • Start making ‘Modern’ part
    • Take and edit a VIDEO

Thursday, 13th March 2014

Today I finally start to organize my Wix site.

Because I change almost everything about my website, it was quite hard work.


My Wix site’s current Main page

I named my website as ‘Architect-Seoul’. It also is title of my main page.

And I made four menus:

  1. About us
    Tell people who visit my website about purpose of this project, my aim about this theme – architecture.
  2. Tradition
    I divide Seoul’s architecture into three – first one is Tradition.
  3. Between
    And second one is Between – between Tradition and Modern.
  4. Modern
    Last one is Modern.

If you click this menus, it will bring you to each page.

Under that, there’s a photo which can express Seoul best (at least I thought so).

서울타워 resize copy

Seoul’s night view

This photo is from my photographer friend, Jang Seokjae.

I get permission from him for using this photo in my website.


My current ‘About us’ page

Next, I filled out page ‘About us’.

In this page, I’m going to introduce this whole WKC – Mirim BTECT project and my website.

I’ll explain why I participate this project, why I pick this topic ‘Architecture’.

Now it’s incomplete but maybe one or two days more, I think I can fill this all up.





Monday, 10th March 2014

After 3rd year started, We’ve been keep modifying our Wix sites in Media English class.

Actually I changed most of my plan, so I might update my moodboard and storyboard.

Today I spent almost time for editing my plan and design.

I can’t decide what color should I use in website and detail concept.

But I have to build a frame, so I made a temporary logo and arrange it.

temp logo

My Temporary Logo

I have to finish plans ASAP and manage my Wix site.